Welcome to our website
AP Design and Management are a company with offices in Yorkshire and London which specialises in Architectural Design and Project Management along with other services listed below. We offer services to private and public sector construction projects at any stage within their lifecycle. The company has been formed by market professionals who are driven to deliver successful projects with the Clients requirements firmly as the main driver to success. We offer a hands-on approach that large consultancies cannot match for delivery of Architectural Design and Management of Construction projects.
We are proud to offer the following services to clients at all stages of projects whether it be residential, commercial or hospitality we can offer a solution to your requirements:
• Architectural Design services
• Design review
• Planning application advice
• Project Management
• Employers agent services
• Contract administration
• CAD 2D/3D drawing
• Visual representations
• Surveying
• Principal Designer – Building Regs and CDM
• Cost Management
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The company has been formed by Anthony Silby AVCE, BSc AT, ACIAT and Peter Skinner BSc (Hons), MCIOB as the lead professionals for each service offered meaning the Client will always have visibility from senior staff. Our team has a great wealth of experience and know that, despite the complexity of the construction process, there should be no mystery to the client. We aim to make our designs as clear and easy to understand as possible.
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